JESUS SAID: “I pray not that thou should take them out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

And for their sakes ..."

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Thursday, October 17, 2024

I never liked Michelle Alferink

never never never , sorry 

Confidence in Prayer πŸ™

With confidence, we come & pray
To God☝️ above, both night & day
We lift our voices, hearts entwine
For in His will, our hopes align

He listens close, He knows our need
If we believe, He'll plant the seed🌱
We ask in faith, our spirits still
Trusting fully in His perfect will 

When doubts arise & fears draw near
We find His presence ever clear
For every prayer πŸ™, both small & grand
He holds us gently in His hand πŸ‘ 

So do not waver, do not fear
He's always there, He's always near
With every whisper, every plea
He hears our prayers & sets us free πŸ•Š️

Seek Him first, & you will find
A love ❤️unchanging, pure & kind
He knows our hearts, our deepest care
He listens carefully, always here

Prayer for Jack & family

Dear Lord, we thank You for Jack Holwerda's life,
A man of great virtue, with a beautiful wife.
Brenda, his partner, stands by his side,
Together in love, through life's long ride.

Jack's a Christian Eagle, soaring so high,
With faith in his heart, he reaches the sky.
Honest and kind, intelligent too,
He shines with the Spirit in all that he'll do.

Blessed with a son, young Charlie, so bright,
Who brings them such joy, from morning till night.
Five sisters surround him, a family so grand,
No brothers to tease, just a loving band.

He studied at Calvin, where wisdom took root,
A winner in life, a man of good fruit.
He's patient and gentle, joyful and true,
With love and with kindness, in all that he'll do.

Lord, bless Jack's family, his huge, happy clan,
Guide them and keep them, through every plan.
For Jack is a light, in this world so vast,
A beacon of love that will always last.

May his days be filled with Your endless grace,
As he walks with You, at a steady pace.

Prayer for POTUS Trump

Be strong & bold, don't be dismayed
The Lord is with you, don't be afraid
Wherever you walk, His light will shine
Guiding your steps, His will divine
Fear NOT the storm, nor dark of night
For God's own hand will lead you right

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Ode to Life πŸ™✝️πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘ΌπŸ€±πŸ‘¨‍πŸΌπŸ‘©‍πŸΌπŸ§‘‍🍼


From the moment of conception's spark,
A life begins, though small & stark.
A precious soul, so pure & new,
A gift from God✝️, both bright & true.

In the womb, God knows their name,
Each tiny heartbeatπŸ’“ ,not the same.
In His image, they are made,
With love so deep, it will not fade.

Before their eyes πŸ‘€ have seen the day,
God has planned their every way.
Innocence wrapped in tender form,
A miracle within the storm.

Their hands are small, their hearts so light,
They are precious in His sight.
Each child a wonder, life divine,
God's perfect ⭐work, His grand design.

He knew them long before their birth,
Each baby carries endless worth.
With purpose woven into time,
A life ordained by hands sublime.

How can we then ignore the plea,
To guard them with sincerity?
To shield the innocent from harm,
And cradle them within our arms?

For they are souls with futures bright,
Created for His holy light.
The Lord commands us to defend,
The unborn πŸ•Š️ life He longs to mend.

So let us stand for those unseen,
For every child, both pure & clean.
In love, protect them from all strife,
For in God's eyes, they carry life.

Each baby's worth is more than gold,
A treasure that cannot be sold.
To save, to love, to nurture too,
For every life, God calls on You

Fair Election Poem πŸ—³️πŸ—½πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

In electionsπŸ—³️, a voice should be earned,
With laws of the land duly learned.
To cast a vote in a nation's plan,
You must first be a citizen, woman or man.

When rules are bent, & lines blur thin,
It's unfair to those who've registered in.
For every vote made from an unlawful hand,
A legal vote is silenced, dismissed, or banned.

Citizens pay taxes, abide by the laws,
They should have the right to support a cause.
But when someone unvetted steps in to vote,
It tips the scales, a sinking boat.

Citizenship is the price to pay,
For a voice in the country's election day.
And if one's here illegally,
Should they influence our democracy?

A system's integrity must stand tall,
For the benefit of one & all.
So, let's ensure it's clear & fair,
That only those who belong, DECLARE πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‘πŸ—½

Sunday, September 22, 2024

i was wondering what happ'd to Jim V- Bosch one of my English profs. Apparently he's not happy with the CRC anymore

The churches – Calvin Church, Grace Church, and Church of the Servant (COS) – join Sherman Street Church in leaving the CRC. 

i was wondering what happ'd to Jim V- Bosch one of my English profs who I really appreciated ( I still remember "Anonymous Bosch" in the Chimes).  Apparently he's not happy with the CRC anymore after Synod 2024 ( btw, i was there! not as a CRC delegate, but just an interested individual who grew up in the CRC & GR, mostly).  I  sensed he wasn't a far -right conservative (neither am I) but I thought he was a moderate with some theological convictions about the danger of too much "compromise".  I personally agree with the CRC decision because I feel the church must have a minimum set of standards before it becomes meaningless.

 It's sad to see these CRC churches deciding to leave the denomination. I pray for the Lord to convict their hearts and turn them in the right direction! Hear our prayer Lord. 

"If you're not in agreement, you've got a year to change your mind. And then after that time, you are going to be forced to leave the denomination," said James Vanden Bosch, professor emeritus of English and a member of Calvin Church's disaffiliation committee. "We'd rather do it on our own terms and our own schedule."

I attended three of the four churches above periodically during college. I remember when COS was starting out in the gym at Seymour School. I remember Jack Roeda. He was a great pastor & seemed to like me  (until he was told some false & blasphemous rumors about me spread by some of my so-called "friends" who I didn't realize were so far left; and actually despised me for being moderate, if not conservative at the time. They set a "honey pot" trap to try to bring me down; and when it failed they spread false rumors anyways. I wasn't savvy enough at the time to realize what they were doing. Shame shame shame on them). 

 And I remember Mark Vermaire preaching at Sherman (one time he played the song "What if God was one of us; just a slob like some of us" (by Alanis Morrisette) as a sermon illustration.  I also remember the pastor from Grace during the 80's when the Diekemas attended there, and then Jack Kooreman took over (he was in my Greek class at RBC). And my parents were married at Calvin CRC, a short walk from my mother's EGR childhood home. 

We pray for you to reconsider before you make a decision that will probably never be reversed. It's forever. Talk to God on your knees. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

WHAT IS WORSE than a far-left immoral radical lefty liberal dem (FLIRL dem) ⁉️

1. A FLIRL dem who just discovered CrossFit

2. A FLIRL dem with a podcast

3. A FLIRL dem in charge of the group text

4. A FLIRL dem who's also your mother-in-law

5. A FLIRL dem with a megaphone at 6 a.m.

6. A FLIRL dem that's also a vegan influencer

7. A FLIRL dem who doesn't use headphones on public transportation

8. A FLIRL dem who corrects your grammar at parties

9. A FLIRL dem that just binged all of "West Wing"

10. A FLIRL dem who insists on discussing astrology at every dinner party

Friday, September 13, 2024

Re 3rd -culture kids: military brats & missionary kids & their occasional air of supremacy

Shame on you, oh child of three lands,
With pride so high, like shifting sands.
You speak of places far and wide,
But hide your heart, so full of pride.

You claim the world is yours to own,
Yet arrogance has grown and grown.
Repent, for you are not above,
Come down, and learn the way of love.

Your culture's not a crown to wear,
But something deeper, if you dare.
Apologize for looking down,
For every heart in life's a crown.

Shame on you, with eyes so blind,
True wealth is found in being kind.

Between worlds we wander, we third-culture kin,
Missionary, military, all of us spin.
From lands far away, we have learned to belong,
In cultures so different, yet never felt wrong.

We speak with the tongues of places we've seen,
In cities and villages where we have been.
We've danced to their rhythms, breathed in their air,
But coming back "home" feels strange and unfair.

America greets us with its bright, loud hue,
Yet something is off, something we knew.
The slang, the fashion, the jokes that they share—
They laugh, but we stand in confused, quiet stare.

They don't understand how we grew up apart,
The pieces we carry stitched into our heart.
Our histories tangled, not easy to tell,
From faraway homes we've loved far too well.

We smile and we nod, but still feel the strain,
Like tourists in crowds who can't quite explain.
The foods that we miss, the sights that we crave,
Live on in our minds, like waves after waves.

We long for a space where we fit in-between,
A blend of the old and the new, yet unseen.
But while we adjust, we'll carry with pride,
The cultures we hold, deep down inside.

So though we are awkward, and though we seem lost,
We'll find our own way, no matter the cost.
For we are the bridge, the voices that blend,
Between worlds, forever, we'll always transcend.

They say we're arrogant, distant, aloof,
As if our stories are mere bragging proof.
"Who cares where you've been? This is here, this is now!"
But we stumble on norms we don't know quite how.

We talk of the places we've lived overseas,
Of customs and foods, of languages' ease.
Yet to them, it sounds like we're placing ourselves
Above their small towns and familiar shelves.

But we're not trying to boast or to show,
We're just sharing the world we've come to know.
It's hard to explain that we're out of sync,
Not arrogant—just caught on the brink.

It's true, some third-culture kids hold their heads high,
Believing they've seen more, flown farther, touched sky.
They've walked in the world, crossed borders with ease,
And sometimes, yes, they think they're hard to appease.

They speak multiple tongues, blend customs like art,
And feel set apart with their globalized heart.
In classrooms or towns where others don't roam,
They may wear their travels like badges of home.

But superiority's a mask that they wear,
To hide the confusion and feeling laid bare.
Beneath it all, they're just trying to find
A place to belong with peace of mind (we hope) 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

ending of previous

They chose a new pawn, a gal named Kathy,
To trap the man Barb (thought she) loved, their plot was so crafty.

Kathy was (not actually) innocent, (nor) pure, (nor) so kind,
But was used (voluntarily) in their scheme, with deceit intertwined.
Barb and Audrey's machinations were cruel and unjust,
But the man, full of virtue, was honest and just.

He saw through the ruse and the shadowy plot,
And though Kathy was clever & scheming, his heart was not caught.
He narrowly escaped from the tangled deceit,
His goodness a beacon, no trap could defeat.

In their quest for revenge and in plots so contrived,
Barb and Audrey's plans were harshly deprived.
For the man they ensnared with a trap so untrue,
Proved too good for their scheming, his virtue broke through.

Let this be a tale of the beauty and pain,
Of hearts lost in mistrust and love's bitter rain.
For in plotting and scheming, they lost what was dear,
The truth and the love that their hearts sought to clear.

to go with the previous

In a land where the sun kissed the ocean's embrace,  
Lived a girl named Barb, with a warm, gentle grace.  
She sparkled with kindness and laughter so bright,  
But deep in her heart was a shadowy plight.

Barb was as lovely as a sunlit breeze,  
Yet struggled with confidence, never at ease.  
In her eyes shone a beauty that few could deny,  
But inside she doubted, and that's why she'd cry.

In a relationship fraught with confusion and doubt,  
She misread the signals, the love twisted out.  
The man she was with tried to mend and explain,  
But Barb, in her fear, fled from the pain.

To Costa Rica she ran, with a heart full of flight,  
Escaping the storm, seeking solace in light.  
Yet from her retreat, she conspired with flair,  
For with her was Audrey, who joined in the snare.

Audrey, with cunning, played her part with guile,  
In the plot to entrap the man all the while.  
Together they schemed from their tropical lair,  
Weaving a web in the warm, salty air.

Barb, though so bright, was tangled in strife,  
Her fears and her doubts cut sharp like a knife.  
And Audrey's conniving, though clever and sly,  
Only deepened the shadows where honesty dies.

In their quest to trap, did they find what was sought?  
Or was it their own hearts that they overwrought?  
For in plotting and scheming, they lost what was true,  
The love they were seeking was clouded and skewed.

Let this be a tale of the beauty and pain,  
Of hearts lost in mistrust and love's bitter rain.  
For confidence lost and deceit from afar,  
Will shadow the light and leave souls with a scar.

i just saw "Romancing the Stone" (1984) for the 1st time and now I know where Barb got her romantic ideas that were "all hollywood"

i just saw "Romancing the Stone" (1984) for the 1st time and now I know where Barb got her romantic ideas that were "all hollywood" and not rooted in the realities of a real relationship. Every gal wants to get "swept off their feet" by some  macho Hollywood character  like Michael Douglas but it's NOT REAL- yet when it becomes real in some girls' (adult young ladies) minds, it can create eventual havoc to themselves and others. Barb was a gal I met in college during our "Semester in Spain" and eventually a relationship happened between the two of us. It was to such a point that I was actually thinking about the "M word" if you know what I mean. Yet for some reason she got spooked that I was not the "real deal" - she somehow got the wild crazy-eyed idea that I was just using her for a temporary fling. NOthing could be further than the truth. At the same time for some reason she was losing confidence in herself. These two twains combined to cause her to suddenly FLEE ! Literally. She took off to Costa Rica without even telling me. Suddenly I found out from others she was gone. But at this point she was also "conniving" with another gal named Audrey - still having come to the wrong conclusion about me they wanted to prove their point. THis led to further disastrous events that hurt me. And this returns me to the problem of people getting "Hollywood versions" of love and romance stuck in their heads that does not comport with reality. It's also the reason so many "hollywood relationships" do not last very long. THey have unrealistic expectations not grounded in reality, nor, most importantly, IN CHRIST. Had Barb allowed a real conversation between herself and me things could have turned out so much better for all - maybe even a lifelong relationship; but she panicked and fled, and compounded problems from a distance- making it impossible to repair the breach. 

remembering Sharon Schuringa

  the last time i saw Sharon Schuringa was at Mulligans in Easttown - a popular Calvin hangout in Eastown Grand Rapids along the old brick road. I was there with a few fellas, and she walked by towards the exit. I hadn't seen her in such a long time, I immediately got up and followed her out. I said hello as she continued walking in the parking lot. But I should probably tell the backstory to give this some context. I met Sharon at Calvin when we were both undergrads. She was a bubbly funny, fun gal from Mississauga Canada , and eventually we dated a little bit. I think we saw the movie Pumpkinhead on our first date together if I recall correctly. And later we went to a Michigan football game together - where my brother was in law school and lived with his wife. They gave us their tickets- nice of them. So we had the apartment to ourselves for a few hours , and then we went to the game. You couldn't ask for a better day. Returning to GR we stopped in at a Dave Smilde party (that's a whole nother story about Smilde- very strange). And then for some reason I don't recall seeing Sharon very much after that. I'm not sure what happened. Did I go somewhere ? THere was no negativity that I recall. WHy didn't we keep seeing each other? I don't know. Like a typical guy I just didn't persist for some reason. Just kind of the college funk I was in I think. And she probably thought it was the guy who should be doing the pursuing. Not her. SO it had been over a year or more since I had seen her- in fact I had already graduated from Calvin and I guess she was still there (she was a few years younger than me). By that time I had worked at a hospital for a year, and had started law school (but decided I had a higher calling, and left) - so this was several years later-  and then there she was at Mulligans . Back to the parking lot I said "How ya doing? " She said "Fine" but didn't seem fine. ANd she kept walking. I said to her " I dropped out of law school" . I will always remember her reply  "You should have stayed in law school" . And she kept walking. Away. I guess it was my fault. What did I expect from her? A hug and greetings after not calling her for so long ? I don't know. But I wish she had stayed and talked. I returned to my friends back inside. Life went on and I ended up teaching for a while and then finally got back to my "higher calling" - going thru two seminaries and starting my own ministry, etc. I've often thought about her and some of the other gals I dated during my Calvin days, But it wasn't until recently that I googled her name to see if I could find out where she is and what she's doing. As best as I can tell she returned to Mississauga and works for a Canadian food company. Her company picture looks nice - a different version of her from Calvin. It doesn't say anything about her personal life, whether she's married or not, but I assume she is. She was too nice of a gal to go long without a good guy. I hope all is well for her and her family. And most of all I hope she is growing in faith, in Christ. God bless you Sharon.   

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

live update: Kamala is doing almost AS BAD as Joe did at the last debate versus Trump

live update: Kamala is doing almost AS BAD as Joe did at the last debate versus Trump. It is very pathetic & sad. She is unable to defend herself with solid policies and plans. I don't see how she can continue after this. But who else do they got? They have no other choice at this point. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024


MANY OF US HAVE ENCOUNTERED MISSIONARY KIDS & MILITARY KIDS WHO GREW UP in other parts of the world, even though their parents are Americans who grew up here. Usually the MK's also live in the USA during the periodic breaks from their military or missionary service; but their primary developmental years are in a different country often speaking in a different language, or bi-lingual. Missionary kids also especially develop a sense of being "special" because everytime they come back to America they are in the spotlight as the missionary goes from church-to-church in their denomination on different Sundays to try to raise money for their mission. So they will get the VIP treatment after the service and sometimes may even develop a disdain for their "fellow American" peers of the same age, thinking of them as stupid or provincial etc. The problem being that these MK's, although they do attend schools of course, in their foreign country; often they do not play sports in the same way, if at all. THey do not always experience the same "grind" that American kids do in terms of making their way in life and school. And so it is all the more awkward when after growing up in this other country(s) , they decide at the age of 20 or 25 they now want to settle into their "home country" (ie America) - but have no real peer relationships here. I could go on and on, but I will leave it at that for now. I've known a  few of the MK's, including some cousins; and everything is awkward around them. 

" Third culture kids (TCK) or third culture individuals (TCI) are people who were raised in a culture other than their parents' or the culture of their country of nationality, and also live in a different environment during a significant part of their child development years.[1] They typically are exposed to a greater volume and variety of cultural influences than those who grow up in one particular cultural setting.[2] The term applies to both adults and children, as the term kid refers to the individual's formative or developmental years. However, for clarification, sometimes the term adult third culture kid (ATCK) is used...

TCKs move between cultures before they have had the opportunity to fully develop their personal and cultural identity.[3] The first culture of such individuals refers to the culture of the country from which the parents originated, the second culture refers to the culture in which the family currently resides, and the third culture refers to the distinct cultural ties among all third culture individuals that share no connection to the first two cultures.[4][5][6].."

Friday, August 23, 2024

response to Professor Vanden Bosch (now emeritus) Calvin English Dept (re discriminated against for being Christian Reformed)

 I was teaching in Palm Desert CA (actually Coachella, but lived in PD & Indio) and was under political pressure from the new principal (Alex Franco, latino) who clearly had an agenda that did not include me and a few other new Anglo teachers. We were hired by the previous principal. When I was hired by the previous principal (Bill Connell, a retired Air Force commander -turned principal, & white male) he did not inform me I was his last hire before he retired in the Fall of 1994. I didn't know I would be working for a different principal. 

At one point I called or wrote to the English Dept and asked for a copy of the department exam (given to English/education students as an "exit exam" of sorts).  I will discuss the reason I requested this below, after the letter. 

As you can see from the date on the letter, this was May of 1996 and I was still teaching at this school in Coachella; so I had stayed for 2 years but this was when the pressure by this principal was at its highest. 

You see, a California teacher is considered "probationary" for their first 2 years of teaching; after which, if they remain for a 3rd year, they are considered "tenured" and they are much more protected by state laws & union(s); and also receive a substantial salary increase.

 Therefore, sometimes unscrupulous principals and/or administrations will try to "get rid of" probationary teachers after their 2nd year even if these teachers are well-qualified and have performed well. 

By maintaining a rotating roster of probationary teachers they keep the salary cap low & also don't have to deal with as many outspoken tenured teachers. Once you have tenure you have much more freedom to do and say whatever you feel without fear or repercussion.

The principal was trying to concoct some false reasons to terminate me after the 2nd year (even though, actually, the district needs "no reason" at all to terminate a probationary teacher, per the contract. But in reality for public relations purposes they either try to find one or simply make one up, if they don't have anything).

He had already done so to my friend from Calvin who had been there from 1993 to 1995. (This friend was the one who had informed me of the job opening in 1994. I was actually close to going to Hungary to be a "missionary teacher" but decided to explore this opportunity thinking I could pay off my student loans quicker this way.) 

Thus, to defend myself against this unscrupulous principal I started to compile documents and papers and my transcript & resume etc to refute any insinuations against me that I was no longer  qualified to keep teaching & gain tenure (even though apparently I was qualified enough to get hired and stay there for 2 years). 

I should note that Alex Franco also had a racist agenda . He was actually a former student at this school. And he wanted to hire new teachers himself- as many Latino as possible. He also violated the contract when hiring coaches from outside the school. 

The contract stated that current teachers at the school were supposed to have first opportunity for any coaching jobs. He simply defied this rule. I should  also add that he did get fired himself after the 1995-96 year, but not until after the damage was done). (Strangely, also, he basically disappeared afterwards). 

Therefore, to answer the question, the Calvin English Dept "exit exam" was one of many papers I was compiling into a portfolio to display in my own defense of my competence & qualifications (I also passed the State of Michigan English subject & general exam for teaching  prior to coming to California.). That's all there is to it in regards to this request, Mr. Vanden Bosch. Thank you for your support and I hope all is well in Michigan. 

I moved on from this teaching job after 1996 and went back to school for a Masters degree (M.Div) and followed my higher calling as a Christian evangelist/missionary. However, the degree did come in handy for many more years as I used it to get hired by the LAUSD as a substitute teacher while I was also attending Fuller Seminary in Pasadena CA. 

One thing Calvin English/education does not prepare us for is trying to be a Christian teacher in a public school (& all the politics that go along with it; especially if they think you are a "conservative Christian"). I learned a lot from those 2 years and there's a lot more to tell about it; but maybe some other time. 

God bless ! 

ALSO I am adding a few teacher documents below for additional context: 


I must have been good enough the 1st year to get re-hired for a 2nd year ? Did I actually get worse over the course of the 2nd year ? 

Vote Your Values ✝️"Ralph Reed on The Power of Christian Voters: How Their Voice Can Shape Election Victory for Christian Values -" 

"Brat and Reed's discussion took a motivational turn as Reed detailed the Faith and Freedom Coalition's ambitious plan to mobilize voters. "We will knock on 10 million doors and reach 17 to 18 million Evangelical and pro-life Roman Catholic voters at their homes between now and November 5th..."

ARE PRO LIFE πŸ’œ✝️πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‘Ά