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JESUS SAID: “I pray not that thou should take them out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

And for their sakes ..."

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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Letter to the Calvin Administration & Board of Trustees re Resignation of President Wiebe Boer



 To the Calvin Administration & Calvin Community                         re the Forced, or Pressured                                             or Voluntary Resignation of President Wiebe Boer for Alleged “Unwanted” and/or “Inappropriate” Communication(s)

    I cannot communicate my surprise and disappointment when I opened a Calvin University email update on 2/27/24 to find out that Calvin President Wiebe Boer had resigned due to a vague allegation of “inappropriate” and/or “unwanted” communication with a member of the Calvin community who was not a student. The only thing I have since heard or read is that it was not “sexually explicit nor physical in nature” but it was “concerning”. Initially I thought I read that he was “forced to resign” but now the reports I read                                                              say he volunteered his resignation.

This is all very shocking and disturbing – not just that Mr Boer allegedly (maybe admittedly, I am not sure) committed such “unwanted and inappropriate” communications, but that it automatically leads to voluntary or forced resignation. When it is reported he volunteered to resign, this may just be a gracious summary; or it may be true, in which case I ask whether it is really so necessary and urgent for Mr. Boer to resign? Will we be allowed to judge for ourselves based on the actual details of the alleged communication(s)?

Is Calvin administration being too hasty and contrary to the Christian profession of the college? Sure, Calvin wants “excellence” in academics but also everything that comes with Christ as well: including prayerful consideration,  repentance, forgiveness, grace, reconciliation, and ultimately, we hope, redemption. There’s a lot to consider in the mission statement of Calvin in addition to solely excellence and perfection including that which is “wise and virtuous” (grace & forgiveness is a Christian virtue). Also:  In saving grace God kept His covenant promises to our world, acting unconditionally in the person of Jesus Christ to redeem humanity and all creation from sin and evil. The risen Christ is Lord of all, reconciling all things to himself and calling people to salvation through faith alone, which is a gift of grace alone. The Holy Spirit”   also; about believing and belonging:Teaching and learning at Calvin College are rooted in its Reformed commitment to believing and belonging and are shaped by the pervasive sense that we come into being, live, and serve in a world created, sustained, and redeemed by God in Christ. “I am not my own, but belong body and soul, in life and in death, to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ— so begins the Heidelberg Catechism…both believing and belonging shape the mission of Calvin College as an institution of higher education that focuses on teaching, learning, and scholarship…”

How can Calvin administration say they are being true to the mission statement of the University if they do not attempt to work thru the cycles of Christian grace & redemption that are an essential aspect of “belonging” to the community?

Also, there’s lots of talk in the mission statement about “learning”. Sure, learning in the academic setting is often thought of as classroom learning: memorizing, reciting, analyzing, composing, etc; but learning also should be happening on the emotional and spiritual levels … including “the challenge of becoming agents of reconciliation and renewal that God is working in the world, learning what that might mean and where it is taking place.”

To cut somebody off without the opportunity for repentance is the opposite of the above. As such, the administration is not being an agent of reconciliation in such regards. It’s closer to being part of the problem of today’s “cancel culture.” One little slip-up and “you’re gone, buddy.” But then we still do not know the exact details of the alleged inappropriate communication that was not sexual etc. What was it? Threatening? Belittling?

Or simply “unwanted”? With only one person?  I’ve sent out unwanted emails that people are not receptive to, especially when I was starting my Christian ministry.  People don’t like a lot of things- even good things. I started doing “street evangelism” as well- offering people the opportunity to accept Christ. Lots of people don’t like that either. Nor do some of them like Jesus Christ. You can’t force them to accept Christ and do what’s best for themselves. So I don’t persist if they do not respond with interest. But it’s initially “unwanted”.  Am I guilty too of inappropriate and unwanted communication if I try to reach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ? God forbid.

I think the Calvin community has a right to know more details about all that has transpired so that we can be an active & integral part of living out the Calvin mission statement. We need to know and offer input and prayer and healing and reconciliation opportunities. Otherwise it feels more like we are part of a dictatorship. Until we know more, we are left feeling as if being a member of the Calvin community is somewhat an oppressive community – or heavy-handed; without grace and forgiveness.

You may say, “This is the president of the college, for goodness sake; not a freshman… he should know better.” Well, unless we know the details of what he is accused of, it is only a handful of administrators who are making the conclusion. He should know better about what? We don’t know!  And who are these administrators? All we can do is speculate, which leads to one imagining  the possibility of administrators who have a grudge against Mr Boer, or even being part of a coup against him, for all we know.

For all of the above reasons I am calling upon the Calvin administrators to identify themselves by name and position with ALL of the important and relevant information regarding the resignation of Mr Boer. We are all big boys and girls (ie adults) who have a right to be made privy to this information as part of the Calvin community so we can be sure that not only whether Mr Boer committed something “unforgiveable”, but whether the administration itself is committing its own transgression against Mr Boer as well as the Calvin community.

Needless to say, the Calvin administration does not “own” Calvin College like a private business. We need to be able to trust the administration but unless we know more information and details we are left hanging in a state of chilling unsettled state of being, wondering whether the administration itself is being too heavy-handed and excessively persnickety & absurdly finicky, or whether they made a fair decision based on the facts; based on this being 2024 and not 1950, or something like that.

WE need to know more information and details! WE have the right to know more information & details !

Stan Van Der Blank