JESUS SAID: “I pray not that thou should take them out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

And for their sakes ..."

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Monday, August 5, 2024

IRONY: STEVE & WINNY BRINKS prided themselves so much in working in the tough poor neighborhoods of Grand Rapids

IRONY: STEVE & WINNY BRINKS prided themselves so much for working in the tough poor neighborhoods of Grand Rapids, and scoffed at me thinking I was some sort of privileged silverspoon kid who was scared of black people and grew up in the lily-white suburbs of Grand Rapids and/or southern California. Ha ha ha. What little did they know . And why would they think this ? because of gossip. That's why gossip is so harmful. It usually is based on stereotypes and generalizations and rarely on truth. The truth is my parents placed me in a integrated public school in Grand Rapids thru 4th grade. Then I switched to the Christian schools. And yes we had black students in the Christians schools too. Not as many as they do now, but still enough. What about in Mount Vernon Washington Winnie ? I bet there's a lot of blacks there, eh. How about Steve in Argentina or Dominican Republic -- did you go to the public school? I sort of doubt it. WHat do they call the schools for missionary kids ? Country Day ? THen they pride themselves on attending an "inner city" church in Grand Rapids (Sherman CRC). Guess what, so did we ? 1st CRC is in the middle of the inner city. Next, Steve prided himself for working at a GR public elementary school in the inner city . Was it Burton Heights ? or one of those in that area ? Wow. I ended up teaching in Coachella which is 95% latino immigrants from Mexico- one of the poorest areas of the country. And then I taught for several more years in the LAUSD - not exactly country club kids there either. Why did Steve & Winny think I was some white privileged republican with no life experience in the "real world"? Because they gossiped about my grandfather  a successful businessman in the butter business. And they gossiped about my dad who went from a humble chaplain career at our denominational psychiatric hospital to a famous large wealthy (at the time) church in Orange County CA. SO they gossiped and construed some BS about me based on who my parents & grandparents are/were, etc. And it was also self-serving gossip. I've heard this sort of gripe before - those who build up a self-serving story of themselves having pulled themselves up by their bootstraps - like Horatio Alger- to make something of themselves- the school of hard knocks. Truth is I don't think like was too tough growing up in Mount Vernon Washington on a nice big dairy farm near the mountains and open fields and hills with lots of fresh air. Nor too tough growing up a missionary kid in Argentina & Dominican - - I used to believe it was tough - when the missionaries would come and seek donations - before I had actually gone to some of the missionary fields myself and experienced the life in some of these places. The missionaries are not living tough lives in general; nor are the kids. I don't disparage the work they do. It's good work if they are sincere and doing their best. But I don't fall for the hardship myth anymore.  IN fact, I contend that Steve & WInny actually lived more pampered and easy lives than myself, despite my grandfather having more money than their grandfathers. And despite my father having a nice salary at his second pastoral job. Still, where my dad lives in southern Cal is NOT Beverly Hills. They stayed near their Dutch CRC roots even though it's now one of the most densely populated areas in the entire USA- not exactly Malibu. I chose to teach in some of the most poverty-stricken schools of California as a calling. What about Steve & Winny ? DId they choose it as as a calling or was it their best or only option at the time? I noticed that since starting out teaching in a poor area of Grand Rapids , Steve moved on to a middle school in East Grand Rapids . Hmm. What's up with that, Mr Brinks ? Nonetheless, even the toughest and/or poorest areas of Grand Rapids seem pretty nice compared to the toughest areas I worked in for many years. ALL i CAN SAY IS 'ISN'T IT IRONIC'  Take the log out of your own eye first. 

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