JESUS SAID: “I pray not that thou should take them out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

And for their sakes ..."

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Friday, August 23, 2024

response to Professor Vanden Bosch (now emeritus) Calvin English Dept (re discriminated against for being Christian Reformed)

 I was teaching in Palm Desert CA (actually Coachella, but lived in PD & Indio) and was under political pressure from the new principal (Alex Franco, latino) who clearly had an agenda that did not include me and a few other new Anglo teachers. We were hired by the previous principal. When I was hired by the previous principal (Bill Connell, a retired Air Force commander -turned principal, & white male) he did not inform me I was his last hire before he retired in the Fall of 1994. I didn't know I would be working for a different principal. 

At one point I called or wrote to the English Dept and asked for a copy of the department exam (given to English/education students as an "exit exam" of sorts).  I will discuss the reason I requested this below, after the letter. 

As you can see from the date on the letter, this was May of 1996 and I was still teaching at this school in Coachella; so I had stayed for 2 years but this was when the pressure by this principal was at its highest. 

You see, a California teacher is considered "probationary" for their first 2 years of teaching; after which, if they remain for a 3rd year, they are considered "tenured" and they are much more protected by state laws & union(s); and also receive a substantial salary increase.

 Therefore, sometimes unscrupulous principals and/or administrations will try to "get rid of" probationary teachers after their 2nd year even if these teachers are well-qualified and have performed well. 

By maintaining a rotating roster of probationary teachers they keep the salary cap low & also don't have to deal with as many outspoken tenured teachers. Once you have tenure you have much more freedom to do and say whatever you feel without fear or repercussion.

The principal was trying to concoct some false reasons to terminate me after the 2nd year (even though, actually, the district needs "no reason" at all to terminate a probationary teacher, per the contract. But in reality for public relations purposes they either try to find one or simply make one up, if they don't have anything).

He had already done so to my friend from Calvin who had been there from 1993 to 1995. (This friend was the one who had informed me of the job opening in 1994. I was actually close to going to Hungary to be a "missionary teacher" but decided to explore this opportunity thinking I could pay off my student loans quicker this way.) 

Thus, to defend myself against this unscrupulous principal I started to compile documents and papers and my transcript & resume etc to refute any insinuations against me that I was no longer  qualified to keep teaching & gain tenure (even though apparently I was qualified enough to get hired and stay there for 2 years). 

I should note that Alex Franco also had a racist agenda . He was actually a former student at this school. And he wanted to hire new teachers himself- as many Latino as possible. He also violated the contract when hiring coaches from outside the school. 

The contract stated that current teachers at the school were supposed to have first opportunity for any coaching jobs. He simply defied this rule. I should  also add that he did get fired himself after the 1995-96 year, but not until after the damage was done). (Strangely, also, he basically disappeared afterwards). 

Therefore, to answer the question, the Calvin English Dept "exit exam" was one of many papers I was compiling into a portfolio to display in my own defense of my competence & qualifications (I also passed the State of Michigan English subject & general exam for teaching  prior to coming to California.). That's all there is to it in regards to this request, Mr. Vanden Bosch. Thank you for your support and I hope all is well in Michigan. 

I moved on from this teaching job after 1996 and went back to school for a Masters degree (M.Div) and followed my higher calling as a Christian evangelist/missionary. However, the degree did come in handy for many more years as I used it to get hired by the LAUSD as a substitute teacher while I was also attending Fuller Seminary in Pasadena CA. 

One thing Calvin English/education does not prepare us for is trying to be a Christian teacher in a public school (& all the politics that go along with it; especially if they think you are a "conservative Christian"). I learned a lot from those 2 years and there's a lot more to tell about it; but maybe some other time. 

God bless ! 

ALSO I am adding a few teacher documents below for additional context: 


I must have been good enough the 1st year to get re-hired for a 2nd year ? Did I actually get worse over the course of the 2nd year ?